this post about my sister Alli's mad hot embroidery skills? Well I promised to update and show the finished product. Viola!

Cute, no? The whole thing was her brain child, however I believe she got the inspiration for the bird from
this awesome book. The cover alone on "Doodle Stitching" is enough to make you Add to Cart. Love it! Speaking of Allison, she also made this adorable necklace holder:

Is there no end to my sisters' craftiness? (Watch out Shannon, you're going to be next. I know you're reading.)
That is indeed fantastic! I love the display idea... and, of course, the embroidery!
Wow! Those are great! I've been waiting for years for my husband to buy me a jewelry box. Perhaps my wait is over :)
Awesome displays! That little birdie she embroidered is just sooo darling!
Very cute idea! Cute little bird as well.
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