Valentine's Day is like an oasis in the desert that is Winter. Just when you want to gouge your own eyes out because the weather is just. so. blah... here comes Valentine's Day. I don't like it because of the yucky love stuff - I think I just like pretty pink decorations, cards, and of course, chocolate.
To make this year's V-Day even more exciting, I've discovered something amazing...the world of Printables. Did you know you can buy printable valentines, invitations, birthday cards, calendars, etc. etc. etc.?? I'm sort of an instant-gratification kind of gal, so I'm all over the fact that I can purchase the printable, have it emailed to me within the day, and have printed valentines ready to go . . . well, whenever I get my printing act together. Brilliant!
I bought these (from Stephanie Fizer's shop):
And I'm still drooling over these, by littlebrownpen:
And these, by upup:
...Sigh... I love people who can do things that I can't do! Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

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