Have I mentioned that I am a teacher? Have I mentioned that there are 17 1/2 days of school left?? ...not that I'm counting or anything. I'm SUPER excited for the summer because I've never taken a summer off before. I always get some other job. So this summer it's just going to be 24/7 crafting. Gaaaa...I can't wait!!
I had a bit of a shopping spree the other day. Look what I got!

Also I went to Ikea today (torture) and got a sweet new set of shelves so I can organize my fabric chaos. Seriously, it looks like a fabric bomb exploded in my apartment. Good thing I have such a KIND, LOVING, and UNDERSTANDING sister/roommate (are you reading sissy?)! The weekend to-do list is full of sewing, organizing, and cleaning projects. Perhaps a more appropriate title for this post is "Is it SUMMER yet?" 17 1/2 more days. 17 1/2 more days.
Oh stop! Don't wish your life away!!! Ha ha!
I'll bet teachers get just as antsy as the students :)
Have fun getting organized. I wish I could.
How exciting!! I can't imagine how great a summer of crafting could be!!
hey sister! don't worry, i don't think you're a horrible roommate. but i do expect to be president of the SFC this year.
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