Tuesday, January 8, 2013

the quiet book...one year later

Almost exactly one year ago, Seattle got a snowstorm two inches of snow, which meant that school was closed for a few days.  Holed up and desperate for entertainment, I started on this Quiet Book, got a few pages finished, and estimated that I might be able to finish the book within a year.  Pretty generous estimate, right?  You'd think so.  Well, 11 months later I got back to work, and finished in time for Christmas.  Introducing......Henry's Quiet Book!

 Lace and Tie the Shoe

 Button the Flowers (managed to lose several flowers since last winter....hoping they will turn up in my sewing room!)

 Play Tic Tac Toe

 Count the Birdies

 Match the Shapes

 Swim Away from the Sharks

 Weave a Basket (and store the x's and o's for your Tic Tac Toe game)

Make a Banana Split!

 I wish I could say that I truly loved making this, and that I can't wait to make one for every niece, nephew, cousin and friend.  However, that would be a big fat lie.  Sorry!  I will say that I loved using odds and ends from my sewing room and that the only thing I purchased especially for this project was an extra pack of grommets! I will also say that grommets + felt + small hands = :( so the Lace-the-Shoe page needs some fixing.  Other than that, this Quiet Book is finished and never to be duplicated!  You're welcome, Henry.

1 comment:

VR said...

I have been trying to finish making a quiet book myself and I absolutely hate the process. I will never make another one and I may not ever finish this one! Thank you for sharing that your thoughts, it makes me feel a little better about how I did not like the process, the grommets and all!