Saturday, June 30, 2012

strawberry pops!

There are so many, many reasons to love of my favorites being the abundance of yummy ripe fruits.  Last weekend our friends Jess & Jeff kindly shared a bowl full of strawberries they had hand-picked that day - at the height of ripeness.  I needed to do something with them pronto, so they wouldn't go bad (what a shame that would be!).  Good thing I have been thinking about this recipe for frozen strawberry bars ever since I first made them last summer! 

They're called Strawberries n Cream Pie Ice Pops.  You have to love a recipe that has only five ingredients!  And I happen to have ice pop molds. . . don't you?
greek yogurt
lemon juice
graham crackers

All you have to do is cook the strawberries with some sugar for about 20 mins, then mix all the ingredients together and BOOM! you're ready to stick these bad boys in the freezer. 


it helps if you chill the molds in the freezer before filling them.

All of this does involve some thinking ahead - you really need to be patient with the whole freezing thing.  Not my strong point.  Because usually when I get an idea for a sweet treat, I want it eat it five minutes ago.  You know?

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