Thursday, January 19, 2012

shhhh... it's a Quiet Book!

It started with a banana. This banana, in fact.

Why would I make a zippered banana? For a Quiet Book of course! A Quiet Book is, by definition, a book of quiet activities (usually made from fabric or felt--so much more quiet than paper) with which a little munchkin might practice such fine motor skills as zipping, buttoning, lacing, snapping and such cognitive skills as matching, counting, and recognizing shapes and letters. And here you thought I just really liked bananas!

So anyway, I'm not sure exactly when I made it, but I'm fairly positive that I still lived in my old apartment with my sissy, so that was at least 2 1/2 years ago! Who knows what inspired me to dig it out today and actually continue the project. But here is the finished page...

Hmmm... what is it? Well, unzip the banana...

...and make your own banana split!

I had so much fun making the Banana Split page that followed it up with a Button-the-Flower-on-the-Stem page:

Sooooo...two pages down, at LEAST 6 more to go, I'm hoping. Also hoping that subsequent pages will be finished and appear here in less than one year...but I can't make any promises.


Dressler said...

Very cute! Nice modern version :)

emily said...

sooo CUTE! I love!