Wednesday, December 19, 2007
new banner!
hey everybody, look at my fancy new banner! All the credit goes to Bridgette from Earmark Invitations. How much do I love every single thing they do? Please see "personal hygiene" notecards in Earmark's store. Part of the Contempt Collection. "For those times when you have nothing nice to say, but can't say nothing at all." hilarious!
Monday, December 17, 2007
craft show hangover
Whew! Three shows in three weeks--not for the faint of crafting! My sis Emily and I did all three together. Daily schedule: Wake up, get to work, get home, SEW, KNIT, SEW, etc., go to bed late, repeat. Yikes!
I really did like participating, though. There are so many impressive artists out there...I will definitely do more shows, but now I'm excited to have a break, and get back to tending to my Etsy store. Will be adding new items daily! Here are some craft show highlights. I certainly learned some new things about the fine art of display (not my strong point)...

And Emily's goods...

Monday, November 26, 2007
crazy busy!
Whoa mama! This girl has been busy!
There needs to be a few more hours in the day. It was nice to have a break for Thanksgiving, though. This Thanksgiving featured food, family, and... a hat-knitting marathon! (kid-sized, of course)

...Then spent the rest of the weekend sewing, sewing, sewing to get ready for three upcoming shows! yikes!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
my latest masterpiece
Friday, November 9, 2007
i took the handmade pledge

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
oliver, sweet oliver
APPARENTLY, I made a pretty bad faux pas in a previous post. You see, I referenced another child as "one of the cutest babies of all time" ...and my sister saw it. Should've seen that one coming. So to make up for it, this post is dedicated to THE absolute cutest child of all time, my nephew Oliver!

I'm pretty sure Oliver is destined to become America's Next Top Hat Model. I just knit him this one with handsome ear flaps. Everyone was saying it looked like a football definitely needs a pom-pom. Unless you like the football helmet look. (by the way, it was virtually impossible to get a cute picture of the child wearing this hat where his eyes were open and it wasn't all blurry. not his fault, of COURSE--I blame the photographer.)

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Amy Karol

For those of you who don't know Amy Karol, you should really spend some quality time getting to know her on her blog, Angry Chicken. I pretty much want to be her best friend. Please, oh please, can I just quit my job and spend all of my time trying to be just like her?
Pictured is her book, " Bend the Rules Sewing." You can see that I have marked the pages of all the projects I want to complete... yay! I already have the fabric cut out for about 5. I can't wait to join her sewing group on flickr. Check it out to see the cute projects from the book.
So few hours in the day...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
happy birthday to me!

Remember how I said I love all things Amy Butler? Well, today was my birthday, and my wonderful teaching partner, Peggy, who knows me so well, got me this as a gift:
Yay! Hmm, how did she know? She was all worried that I wouldn't like it. Not so! In fact, I have used the fabric on the left in a project before. Now, to find the time to make it...
Didn't do much for my birthday, because I have been sick. :( We did go to Red Mill Burgers, Seattle's best hamburger. yessss.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
amy butler (favorite thing #4)

Ok, Amy Butler is my hero. Beautiful fabric designs + cute patterns = awesomeness.
<---One of my favorite A.B. patterns.
I pretty much want to own every one of her fabrics and every one of her patterns. Is that too much to ask?
Saturday, October 27, 2007
day with sisters
Spent the day with my sisters! We got together to do some crafting....some of us did more crafting than others. :)
Which, funnily enough, brings me to my next favorite thing in the whole wide world...sisters!
We met up with some friends at Mike's Chili Parlor in Ballard, recently featured on Food Network's "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives." Mike's would have to fall into the "dive" category. But in a good way.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
things I am obsessed with, continued
I had a little trouble with my last post. You see, when listing "Things I am Obsessed With," I could really go on forever and ever and ever....because I love a lot of things. Isn't life great? So I decided that in each post I will focus on one thing I really really love. That should last a long time. I might as well start at the top of my aforementioned list...
Topic #1:
Knitting is the greatest. You know something is good when you'd rather do that thing than go outside on a nice day. ( this a red flag?) My sisters make fun of me a lot for my knitting obsession. I usually have a couple of projects going at a time. Like right now, I'm knitting a baby sweater, a sweater for myself, and a hat for little Lucy (one of the cutest babies of all time). The problem is that knitting takes a long time, and anothing thing I'm really into is instant gratification. Hmmm... hence the sewing.
The sweater I'm knitting is a Zephyr girls is really cute in the picture--I can only hope it really does turn out that cute. Take a look at the professional pic!
In the genre of knitting, here are my favorites:
Debbie Bliss patterns and yarn
Louisa Hardig
Zephyr Girls
Takumi bamboo needles
I've been searching and searching for a knitting pattern for a hat with a brim*...for an adult. (That one is crocheted.) Anyone? Anyone?
*If you love this hat as much as I do, go to: pdxbeanies's etsy store to see more!
Topic #1:
Knitting is the greatest. You know something is good when you'd rather do that thing than go outside on a nice day. ( this a red flag?) My sisters make fun of me a lot for my knitting obsession. I usually have a couple of projects going at a time. Like right now, I'm knitting a baby sweater, a sweater for myself, and a hat for little Lucy (one of the cutest babies of all time). The problem is that knitting takes a long time, and anothing thing I'm really into is instant gratification. Hmmm... hence the sewing.
The sweater I'm knitting is a Zephyr girls is really cute in the picture--I can only hope it really does turn out that cute. Take a look at the professional pic!
In the genre of knitting, here are my favorites:
Debbie Bliss patterns and yarn
Louisa Hardig
Zephyr Girls
Takumi bamboo needles
I've been searching and searching for a knitting pattern for a hat with a brim*...for an adult. (That one is crocheted.) Anyone? Anyone?
*If you love this hat as much as I do, go to: pdxbeanies's etsy store to see more!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Things I Am Obsessed With
Here is a list of things I am obsessed with:
1. Knitting
2. Sewing (in particular, Amy Butler)
3. Etsy
4. My nephew Oliver
In that order. Just kidding, Oliver would come under "knitting." ha!
So, really, I am obsessed with crafting. It's all I want to do, all day long! I started my etsy store about a month ago...and I'm signed up to do three craft fairs in December! Sooo...I'm a little busy. Go see my store! I'm in love with it.
1. Knitting
2. Sewing (in particular, Amy Butler)
3. Etsy
4. My nephew Oliver
In that order. Just kidding, Oliver would come under "knitting." ha!
So, really, I am obsessed with crafting. It's all I want to do, all day long! I started my etsy store about a month ago...and I'm signed up to do three craft fairs in December! Sooo...I'm a little busy. Go see my store! I'm in love with it.
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