We were lucky enough to be able to take another trip to Neskowin - last weekend!
We had one perfect beach afternoon. The sun was shining but it wasn't hot, it was just perfect. Lots of sand, cousins to play with, holes to dig, and waves to chase.The water was, of course, icy cold. Did that bother this kid? Nope! What bothered him was when we took him away. :/
Another highlight was a family hike and picnic at the top of Cascade Head.
Baby-wearing Dads!
Charlie and Grandma
Henry & Romy held hands almost the whole way up. :)
Shannon & Bernie

Goofy family photo
Not pictured: deli treats, Cafe at Hawk Creek, yummy meals at the Green Dragon, bonfire + s'mores at the beach, Auntie Janice, glider flying (attempts), shared baths (kids), and walks through town. Can't wait to go back!