Saturday, March 30, 2013

opal's easter basket

Opal came over on Tuesday and we started a project.  We decided on an Easter basket!  The girl loves all things pink and purple.  So we hauled out my pink-and-purple scraps and started a little patchwork basket (I think she may have been slightly scared of the state of my scrap stash, and who could blame her?).

Stitched it up with a heavy duty canvas lining to make it stand up.

Now we're ready to hunt Easter eggs!


Dressler said...

THat is soooo cute - you are such a good auntie!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! I think you should sell some of these in your shop for next year....I know two boys who would love them! (Maybe in more boyish colors, of course) :)

Molly Wiecks said...

Megan - I would love to make Easter baskets for your boys!