Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2 months old!

This was the look on Henry's face this morning when I told him he was turning 2 months old:

followed by:

 2 months old!  So how did I celebrate?  By taking no less than 162 photos!  OK OK, I won't post them all here.  But you have to see these...

We can't believe how much this guy is growing.  He is quickly outgrowing clothes, PJs, diapers, and I had to change the car seat straps to the higher notches!  And another big milestone from today was that he smiled after 9 am.  Usually we were averaging about 3 smiles per day, all before The Today Show annoys me so much that I have to turn it off.  Which is precisely 7:02am.


Anonymous said...

sweet baby boy!
love your today show comment, you crack me up.

Unknown said...

OMG! That onesie is the greatest thing I have ever made, now that Henry has worn it! Thanks to your fabulous sisters and the Divas for setting that up at the shower and training me so well!!!!

LOVE these photos! Look at his perfect eyes!